Classes are scheduled to suit your calendar
All classes taught with the intention to support your birth and parenting vision.
Register by emailing Di
HypnoBirthing is a philosophy as well as techniques for parents to birth their baby gently and easily. It focuses on mothers trusting their body and its ability to bring forth life without trauma and drama. The birthing companion is an active participant not an on-looker. Many parents find this class cements their relationship in a new and more powerful way. The information you learn in this class can be used throughout your life.
The class is five sessions meeting weekly of 2.5 hours each. The class is scheduled according to your calendar and conducted in your home for your comfort. $325 includes class handouts and downloaded hynpotic birthing scripts. All funds are donated to a doula fund at Sedona Birth and Women’s Health for those that cannot afford a doula.
Di - thank you so much again for introducing me to HypnoBirthing many years back in Singapore... having just reached half-term of my pregnancy, I have just gotten hold of the book. Am only on page 50 but am already loving it (since the first page, actually!) It's so encouraging, and makes me confident I can have the birth I did envision aleady! Good luck to reach all moms on this planet to share this philosophy...I shall be happy to share my excitement about this and "spread the info"!(might visit some gynis and institutions in Germany, when there end of the year!) Sandra Arnt
*We are very proud to announce the arrival of our second baby boy: Rafael Lucas Kamp! He was born on Wednesday the 21st of May, 9 days after the expected due date. And his birth was an extraordinary and quick adventure! On Wednesday morning I took David for his regular playgroup, and I felt good with not very strong contractions. But by 1.15pm my waters released, and I asked Sjoerd to come home quickly. We got to the hospital by 2pm, where they quickly filled the bathtub for the planned water birth. It worked amazingly well, and after just 45 minutes little Rafael was born in water!!! We’ve been ecstatic ever since! ☺ Papa Sjoerd was fantastic support in the delivery room as always, with a calming happy aura and firm instructions to the nurses when needed. We are very thankful to our amazing doctor Paul Tseng who contributed to me having a smooth natural delivery for both our children and to Di Bustamante for the HypnoBirthing class, which gave me lots of confidence in a time I needed it most. We can’t express in words how happy we are!
*With my first baby I labored for 4.5 hours only. Our sweet one was born at home in water with our lovely midwife, Fabiola Merchant.
*Just finished a 2-day HypnoBirthing yearly re-training with Di Bustamante who came all the way from Phoenix just to help us. It was a fun 2-day session. Thanks, Di and welcome to new practitioners!
*This class cemented the bond between my wife and I. Michael 2024
*Hi, Di. Hypno techniques were fabulous! Baby boy was born on the 23rd. Only 4 hours of labour and no epidural. Was really quite amazing! I dropped my waters on the hospital lobby floor! Even with only 2 weeks of learning about HypnoBirthing it made all the difference. Thanks so much! I am convinced!
A newborn care and breastfeeding class based on Dunstan Baby Language. Learn the 5 cries your baby has at birth through the first 3 or 4 months, indicating their physical needs. This class provides confidence to new parents to respond appropriately and quickly to your baby’s needs. This inspires a calmer, more confident parenting style.
Two 2.5 hour sessions. $65 includes handouts, and the fee provides funding for those that cannot afford a doula. Email to enroll.
Class date set to fit into your schedule.
Podcast on Understanding Your Baby with Marie Biancuzzo on Voice America.
And why you would want to use them. What’s the best position to labor in? And what is the best position to give birth in? Come join our 2 hour workshop covering positions to labor and birth in to maximize the ease of your birth experience for you and your baby.
The position in the photo facilitates gravity pulling more strongly on the baby’s body, thus lifting the baby’s head into the sacral cavity. It also stabilizes the pectoral girdle, giving the hips and pelvis good mobility. Pressure is taken off the baby’s head and no longer pressing hard on the cervix. On all fours, the pelvic outlet is enlarged, and strain is taken off the perineum.
Complimentary workshop for Sedona Birth and Women’s Health clientele. Email to enroll
Class dates are scheduled to fit into your calender.
What parents are saying about this class:
A. Thank you so much for the amazing workshop. You are incredibly talented and knowledgeable and I could not be more grateful for your guidance and support.
K & R. Attending this workshop was an absolute game-changer for us. It to only equipped us with invaluable techniques for a smoother labor but also strengthened our bond in preparing for this incredible journey together. Grateful for the empowering insights that will undoubtedly shape our birthing experience. Highly recommend to all expectant couples!
I met Cornelia Dahinten in Singapore in 2007 as I supported her through HypnoBirthing class and as her doula for her 2nd and 3rd births. I was so impressed with her parenting style, I encouraged her to create these classes. They are a game changer. Di Bustamante
Online courses offering trauma release, hypnotherapy, coaching, support in understanding children’s neurological and brain development, coaching for the family as a whole and for every individual, couples therapy and communication training for private connections as well as corporate teams.
Connected Teenagers
How to Stop Yelling
Meet Your Inner Child
Conscious Parenting
Raising Boys
Parenting Tweens
Supporting Anxious Children
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All classes are to support the parents consulting with Sedona Birth and Women’s Health, 2530 W. 89A, Suite C2, Sedona, AZ 86336
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